How many hours a week do you waste talking to prospects that turn out to be the wrong fit?
Our bot runs on your site 24/7, ready to answer prospects’ questions about your product or service, perform the appropriate qualification steps unique to your business, and collect follow-up information.
There’s a tight window between when a prospect is engaged and when they have moved on to another solution. Due to human error, they can fall through the cracks.
Humans need rest, and keeping a 24/7 sales team online can be costly.
With AI solutions, we can provide near instant and timely answers to prospects questions to help along the sales process.
Let AI focus on finding and vetting prospects so you can spend more time with qualified leads to further along your business.
Most chat bots are not equipped with the knowledge or tools to successfully qualify visitors who come to your site
We start by understanding your typical prospect journey and training our bot to meet or exceed your expectations
We’ve built bots to help sales teams across a range of industries. Our team of global developers are passionate about building chat bots that understand your organizations values and knowledge just as well as you do.
Good lead agents don’t just educate the customer about your value proposition. In addition to customer discovery, our agents can:
Whether it’s just ChatGPT or the next agent framework, we have the expertise to make it work for your use case. We can add on the following features:
Your bot sits on the front page of your website, ready to qualify your audience
Automagically capture lead information through an intuitive and friendly user experience